
UoN news magazine publishes haiku

The Anvil newspaper of The University of Nairobi's School of Journalism and Media Studies (SOJMC) has published haiku for the first time.

This souvenir issue featured two haiku by Mr. Caleb Mutua and two other poems by Mr. Ibrahim Kipkorir. 

The editor of the Anvil, Dr. Muiru Ngugi, said he was pleased with the progress the poets had made and he was willing to publish more haiku in the future.

campus lawn--
fresh mushrooms assemble 
at a corner

campus showers--
drops collect on a trumpet
“This special issue of the Anvil is clearly a boon for the readers,” the director of School of Journalism and Media Studies Dr. Wambui Kiai said. “It also examines challenges that confront journalism in the wake of liberalization, not just of democratic space but of the economy.”

The poetry page in the Anvil.
The newspaper, which collapsed sometime back due to lack of money to publish, lack of equipment and facilities and complicated procurement rules and regulations, is considered by many as a premier journalism training tool.  

SOJMC is the oldest university program in journalism and communication in East Africa and boasts for being the only journalism school in the country with its own printing press.


Isabelle. said...

Well done, Caleb san! These are fine haiku, and I hope the Anvil will be ready to publish more in the future.

Unknown said...

Thank you very much Isabelle sensei. Your guidance has been instrumental in my success.

Gabi Greve said...

Thank you for sharing this good news!
Wonderful ...

Keep it up, my friend.


Unknown said...

Thank you Gabi sensei.

Jacinta Minoo said...

Kudos my great friend am so glad for the great steps that you are taking.Keep the spirit in motion.
Jacinta minoo.

Pan Haiku Review said...

Caleb, you will always have my admiration and respect.

You are a very impressive human being, and haiku writer.

Alan, With Words