
The Sixth Collection

palm sunday

palm sunday--

catholic's usher control
the traffic

rain drops--

rain drops--

a kid widens his mouth
to catch some



the bright glow of paraffin
lamp dims

splattering rain-
splattering rain--

i bury my head under a
doll pillow

muddy path--

muddy path--

the deep footprints of
a sheep

gathering rain--

gathering rain--

trotting he finally breaks
into a run

april downpour--

april downpour--

a broken branch of a
sprouting kale leave

stepping on the

stepping on the

few protuberant stones--
a flooded road

moonlit night--

moonlit night--

sampling keys on the
puddled doormat

april downpour--

april downpour--

not aware of dark clouds
until the cold drop


Emma Dalloway said...

Hi Caleb,

I enjoy reading your haiku. Im no expert, but you seem to have a natural feel for it.

I think my favourite is 'gathering rain'. Its got a lot of movement in it - obviously - but I particularly like the fact that you've left it up to the reader to decide whether its a person or an animal thats breaking into a run. Nice one!

Pan Haiku Review said...

moonlit night--
sampling keys on the
puddled doormat
I really liked this because keys are so important to many of us, and are a symbol for other things too. I love the 'moonlit night' and the sensual 'sampling keys".

A wonderful haiku, full of sensations, and full of different layers of meanings too.

Pan Haiku Review said...

moonlit night--
sampling keys on the
puddled doormat
It's so good, I had to post a second time to separate the haiku from the text!

Plus I just wanted to say I loved 'puddled doormat' too. It would have been a great haiku anyway, but adding 'puddled' adds so much, including an exceptional light touch of haiku humour. ;-)